GPC: The bid submission deadline for KEDS privatization is extended

Prishtina, 27. 03. 2012 – The Government Committee for KEDS Privatization (GPC) approved the extension of the deadline for submission of bids until 20 April, during its meeting held on Tuesday. This decision was taken to accommodate requests by prequalified companies (Limak, Calik, Elsewedy and TAIB), which requested additional time from the GPC to prepare their bids for the privatization of KEK’s Electricity Distribution and Supply Functions.

GPC has also decided, by unanimous vote of its members, to allow the establishment of consortia between companies that have prequalified in this privatization process, with the aim of ensuring the submission of the most qualitative bids.

The process is expected to be developed in line with the GPC-approved agenda, whereas the submission of the prequalified companies’ offers is expected the latest by 20 April, 12:00h. Bid submission will be open for the public.

It is envisaged that bids from prequalified companies to be subjected to an evaluation process, in order to initially ensure their compliance with the technical criteria and later review the respective financial bids. The highest financial bidder will be declared the winner of the KEDS privatization tender.