European Commission supports energy projects

Brussels, 22.03. 2012 – The European Commission Energy Commissioner, Gunther Oettinger, welcomed Kosovo’s engagements in electricity and natural gas infrastructure projects, while underlining the European Commission support to such projects.

During the meeting with the Minister of Economic Development, Besim Beqaj, Commissioner Oettinger expressed his support for Kosovo’s integration processes, and for the integration of other countries of the Western Balkans region in the European Union and in European Energy Initiatives.

For his part, Minister Beqaj informed Commissioner Oettinger on the latest developments in the energy sector and on the efforts vested to approximate Kosovo to European standards.

The Minister further informed the EU Commissioner on the commitments and engagement of the Government of Republic of Kosovo and the Ministry of Economic Development regarding the construction of Kosova e Re Thermal Power Plant, privatization of KEDS and other projects in the sphere of promotion of renewable energy generation and energy efficiency.

Minister Beqaj also spoke on the plans to organize a donor conference in order to discuss on energy efficiency, renewable energy and other energy sector projects.

Cooperation with civil society in energy projects, Kosovo representation in the Energy Community and the need for continuous financial support to this sector’s development were among other topics addressed during this meeting.

Minister Beqaj also met today Peter Bekx, the Director for International Economic and Financial Relations in the European Commission Directorate General for Economy and Finance.

Tomorrow, Minister Beqaj will meet Stefano Sanino, European Commission Director General on Enlargement, in order to discuss on Kosovo’s European integration, free trade agreement arrangements, visa liberalization and structural economic reform.