TPP Kosova e Re bidding package is approved

Prishtina, 06.03. 2012 – Now we have an approved project package for TPP Kosova e Re, which will be disseminated to potential investors. Thus, we consider that the first phase of the project has concluded, said the Minister of Economic Development, Besim Beqaj, after a meeting of the Project Steering Committee, in which the package was approved.

He said that the Kosova e Re Project Steering Committee has been working actively for the last two months in preparing the documents and announcing the invitation to bid. Documents are harmonized between all relevant institutions, the represented ministries, KEK, KOSTT, ERO, and ICMM. At the same time, it takes into consideration the World Bank expert panel study, which represents one of the prerequisites for issuing the partial risk guarantee by the WB.

Minister Beqaj emphasized that the documents will be provided to the four shortlisted companies, and further proceedings in this project of extreme significance are expected as per the envisaged agenda.

According to him, bids are expected by 30 September 2012, and sufficient time is provided for the bidders to prepare their offers for the project, as this represents a very complicated transaction.

Minister Beqaj emphasized that there are four interested companies in the competition, and that they will be provided with the documents, in line with the agenda of this important project.

According to him, the date envisaged for the submission of bids is 30 September 2012, as this is a very complex transaction and investors will be given sufficient time to prepare their bids.

“In terms of the “Kosova e Re” project, we have in mind when adopting the documents today, a stable power supply, the cost of electricity generation, and the affordability of our citizens to pay this electricity, and we have also taken into account the need to maximally protect the environment and the health of the citizens”, he added.

Beqaj said that the aforementioned components are harmonized with all actors and in addition to the fully fledged members, we have also had in the meeting representatives of ECLO, ICO, USAID, and KfW.

“The Project envisages the construction of new energy potentials with a capacity of 600 megawatts. It envisages that the Government will also be a shareholder in the mine component and the in generation and it is planned that the project will begin to be implemented next year, if we manage to announce the preferred bidder this year, and proceed with financial closure”, added the Minister.

The Minister of Economic Development also informed the public that the Government’s participation in the project will imply 49% of shares in the lignite mine, and nearly 31% in generation, whereas royalties are expected to be 3 Euros per ton of coal.

After the completion of this phase, according to the Minister, we move to the next level, which is receiving comments from investors to see what their reactions on the project, and concluded that the investors’ interest is rather stable.