Beqaj informed the business community on MED projects

Prishtinë, 20 February 2012 – Minister of Economic Development, Besim Beqaj, unveiled the MED program to business associations and informed them in greater detail on the projects it is currently undertaking, and discussed on the ways to best tackle the economic crisis which has affected European countries.

In a meeting with the heads of business associations such as the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo, Britain’s Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo, Kosovo Business Alliance, and the French-Kosovar Chamber of Commerce, Beqaj reconfirmed the Kosovo Government’s economic development plan and vision through structural economic transformations.

He said that this transformation also includes processes of reforms in public utilities and privatization process and new project developments, which have a direct impact in employment and economic growth.

“I had an amicable and essential discussion with the business community today. I informed them on the projects that the Ministry develops in energy areas, the steps towards privatization of electricity of distribution and supply, and we expect that in April we will announce the preferred bidder and initiation of investments and contract preparation will soon follow”, said Beqaj.

MED Head said that the leaders of the business community were also informed on the “Kosova e Re” Power Plant Project, which will ensure a security of power supply for the Kosovo citizens, and will aim to provide this at an affordable cost for the citizens, maximally respecting EU’s environmental standards. Alternative energy projects were also discussed, and it was agreed that projects must clearer and open way for further investments.

“I also informed them on the reforms we have initiated in PTK, separation of the Post unit from Vala and Kosovo Telecom, the business plan submitted to the Council of Ministers on publicly owned enterprises and preparations for the privatization of this company”, said Minister Beqaj.

Mines, mining strategies, royalties were also part of discussion, including efforts to valorize economic resources of the Republic of Kosovo, which will further attract investments.

From their part, heads of associations of business communities echoed their support to the energy projects and the privatization process, considering that this would be an incentive for the country’s economy and would open way to investments.