Relevant institutions monitor the market to prevent subsidized equipment price increase

Prishtina, 08.10.2022 – The relevant market monitoring institutions, including the Market Inspectorate, are monitoring in the field potential misuses of prices for energy efficient equipment being subsidized by the Ministry of Economy.

Since the drafting of efficient equipment subsidy measures, the Ministry of Economy is working closely with the Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade, which supervises the Market Inspectorate. ME has also requested the engagement of the Competition Authority, which has the authority to investigate and prevent cartels and misuse of dominant position.

This aims at ensuring an effective implementation of the subsidy measures, by preventing the increase of equipment prices to protect the citizens as beneficiaries of the subsidy and the state budget.

The Ministry of Economy invites the citizens to report such cases to the Consumer Protection Department, in cases where they notice manipulation with prices or other irregularities, via the website or the toll-free number: 0800 11 000.