Launch of the largest energy program in the country between the Government of the Republic of Kosovo and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)

Prishtina, 30 April 2024 – In a ceremonial event, Minister of Economy Artane Rizvanolli and Vice President of Compact Operations at the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Cameron Alford, today signed the entry into force agreement of the MCC-Kosovo Compact program, focused on providing modern clean energy solutions to enhance the reliability of electricity in our country.

The MCC-Kosovo Compact program supports the goal of the Government of Kosovo for a transition towards a more sustainable, inclusive, reliable, and affordable energy in the future.

The MCC program encourages equal participation of women in the energy sector and will be implemented over the next five years, benefiting around 2 million people.

Minister Rizvanolli stated that upon the entry into force of this program, Kosovo is positioned at the forefront of global energy developments. She also added that the program has been designed and prepared intensively and successfully by Kosovo and MCC teams, in an excellent partnership.

This partnership will continue with the same commitment in order to build critical infrastructure for a modern and clean energy sector, while ensuring that – as leader in the region – we empower and engage our young people in this dynamic sector that will create jobs, Minister Rizvanolli concluded.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovom Albin Kurti stated that the Kosovo Compact Program is the largest investment in our country’s energy sector. The significant contribution of the Government amounting to $34.7 million serves as evidence of our Government’s commitment to this program as well as to the transformation of our energy sector.

The MCC-Kosovo Compact aims to introduce an advanced energy storage system, laying the foundation for reliable, renewable energy sources that will be integrated into Kosovo’s grid, reducing the need for fossil fuel-based energy and costly energy imports.

The MCC’s Vice President of Compact Operations, Cameron Alford, stated that the compact will serve as the cornerstone of Kosovo’s transition to green energy, enhancing the energy security and driving its socio-economic transformation. He emphasized that MCC is proud to partner with the Government of Kosovo to officially launch the compact implementation phase, ensuring a sustainable, brighter, and more equitable energy future for all Kosovars.

The $202 million compact, along with a $34.7 million contribution by the Government of Kosovo, totaling $236.7 million, addresses Kosovo’s unreliable electricity supply, aligning with the Government’s national development and energy priorities and aims to reduce poverty and increase economic sustainability in Kosovo.

With reserves of at least 340 MWh, Kosovo will become the country with the largest battery capacity per capita in the world.

By the end of 2027, Kosovo is projected to have the largest battery capacity per capita in the world.