Consumers connected to the line of businesses will be protected from power cuts

Prishtina, 30.08.2022 – Ministry of Economy is closely monitoring the aggravated energy situation in our country created as a result of the global energy crisis, and the consequences that this situation has caused to the industry sector in our country.

Based on Administrative Instruction (MED) No. 04/2017 on Rules and Measures for Restricting Energy Supply in Emergency Situations, and in order to protect consumers, in particular the consumers of industry sector, the Ministry of Economy has decided that consumers with dedicated lines for businesses shall enter into the list of protected consumers.

As a result, from the beginning of this week, these consumers will be exempted from power cuts to the extent possible by the Universal Service Supplier (USS).

However, given the aggravated energy situation, we plead all businesses to save energy and undertake the necessary measures to avoid increased consumption. Significant increase in consumption risks making the protection of these consumers impossible during the winter months.