Concerning the situation of electricity supply and emergency measures

Prishtina, 15.08.2022 – Today, citizens have been notified by KEDS/KSCO regarding power cuts on certain schedules.

We would like to inform you about the situation as follows:

Daily generation of Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK) is around 507 MWh.

Demand for consumption is up to 750 MWh.

Price on the Hungarian Power Exchange (HUPX) is around 430 euros per MWh.

Commercial losses (caused by electricity theft) and technical losses of KEDS Company are 19%. These losses are still covered by everyone, namely by generation or import, not by KEDS itself.

The responsible institutions monitoring the work of the electricity supply actors are taking all steps necessary sot that the electricity supply returns to normality.

The energy crisis has gripped Europe, as we have warned when declaring a state of emergency in electricity supply. It is important that each and every one of us be careful and save electricity throughout the day. Every small individual saving would facilitate the supply of electricity to a great extent, as well as ease the great difficulties that the country is going through and will go through.

We are preparing measures not only for regular supply but, in particular, to stop unauthorised use of electricity, namely, losses from electricity theft. These losses continue to be very high, whilst the company and the responsible institutions have not achieved results in this respect.

No one, let alone the citizens and the country’s budget, should pay the high import price for those who are tolerated to steal electricity. Therefore, under these conditions, the Government, with its means and powers, shall intervene to bring this phenomenon to a complete halt, without any compromise.

Moreover, the Government will take measures about the issue of heating during the following months to help the citizens. Therefore, all citizens and entrepreneurs who are planning to make investments in their heating systems are invited and reminded to convert their heating systems from electricity to other forms of energy sources.

We also would like to inform you with regard to the data from the Kosovo Energy Corporation as follows:

The Kosovo A – A3 and A4 generation units are generating;
The Kosovo B – B1 generation unit been overhauled and is in generation; the overhaul of the B2 generation unit has begun and will end on 26 August 2022.