The Ministry of Economy organizes the digital event “How to Turn a Crisis into an Opportunity for Good – Building a Results-Driven Government Starting with People”  

Prishtina, 20.06.2024 – The Ministry of Economy (ME) will organize the digital event “How to Turn a Crisis into an Opportunity for Good – Building a Results-Driven Government Starting with People” on Friday.

The event is to be held on the occasion of the visit of Mikey Dickerson, the former first administrator of the United States (USA) Digital Service and former Deputy Chief Information Officer in the USA, and Tamara Srzentic, former Minister of Public Administration, Digital Transformation and Media in Montenegro, with the participation of the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Kosovo, Artane Rizvanolli.

Mikey was a key personality in the US government’s digital service and Deputy Chief Information Officer in the USA, while Tamara led teams for the Governors of the State of California and President Barack Obama in open government reform initiatives and digital services.

Mikey and Tamara will share their experience in leading the connection between the private and public sectors in building a talent pool for government technology and will highlight how a crisis presents an unparalleled opportunity for strong, positive changes in organizations and systems of any scale.

The United States Digital Service is a technology unit within the Executive Office of the President of the United States, providing consulting services to federal agencies on Information Technology.

The meeting is seen as a valuable opportunity, so the Ministry of Economy invites representatives from relevant businesses to participate.

The event will be held on 21 June 2024 at “Tech Park Prishtina” in Bërnica, Prishtina, starting at 1:00 PM.