Minister Rizvanolli speaks at the SEEnergy 2024 Conference

Celje, 17.05.2024 – The Minister of Economy of the Republic of Kosovo, Artane Rizvanolli, attended the SEEnergy 2024 Conference held in Celje, Slovenia, upon the invitation of the Slovenian Minister of Environment, Climate, and Energy, Bojan Kumer.

The conference focused on discussing the progress of Southeast European countries in the field of green transition. It also featured the latest developments in technology and legislation, where experiences and best practices were exchanged among countries to achieve these objectives.

Minister Artane Rizvanolli participated in the panel “Decarbonizing Southeast Europe: Turning Challenges into Opportunities”, where she, alongside the ministers of Slovenia and Montenegro and representatives of regional states, discussed the projects and initiatives being undertaken to deepen regional cooperation.

During the conference, Minister Rizvanolli met with the Slovenian Minister of Environment, Climate, and Energy, Bojan Kumer, to discuss the experiences of both countries in reforming the energy sector.

In addition to government representatives from Southeast Europe, the conference was attended by representatives of state agencies, institutions, energy companies, and other stakeholders.