Public clarification concerning capital investments in the Ministry of Economy

Prishtina, 15.08.2022 – For a fair public information concerning the capital investments of the Ministry of Economy. The Ministry is in the process of implementing capital projects in order to execute the investment plan by the end of the year.

Our projects include investments in key strategic areas for the country’s economic development, for which we will make sure that the investments are sustainable and beneficial to the general interest of Kosovo.

The Ministry is implementing its 5.5-year plan of the Digital Economy, and activities envisaged for implementation during this year will be completed at the end of the year. The capital investments foreseen for this year for the Digital Technology Park in Bërnicë are in the final phase. On the other hand, we are in the tendering process for the planned investments at the Innovation Park in Prizren.

During this time, we are preparing efficiency measures for energy savings, not only in public institutions but also in the form of subsidies to citizens to reduce consumption during the cold winter days. All these investments and subsidies will be implemented by the end of the year to help reduce energy consumption.

Since 2015, equipment were purchased at the Laboratory of the Geology Institute, however it has not been put into operation yet. Now, upon developing the new terms of reference, the Geology Institute Laboratory is in the process of tendering. Moreover, the Laboratory will be used in cooperation with the Faculty of Geology in Mitrovica.

This will remain one of the most successful cooperation between a Government institution and an educational institution in scientific development.

Furthermore, key institutions of the energy sector, such as: generation, transmission, and distribution are implementing their 2022 energy plan in a value of up to 35 million euros. All these investments are being made for the purpose of stabilising the electricity network as well as for the expansion of the heating network.