Kosovo is hit by an earthquake
Prishtina, 11.07.2022 – Based on the Seismological Network, the Geological Service of Kosovo and the Euro-Mediterranean Seismic Center, as well as the numerical analysis of the data of the seismic event, on 11.07.2022 at 02:51 h according to local time, the territory of Kosovo was hit by an earthquake of MAG. 2.9 according to the Richter scale, namely a III-IV Mercalli scale intensity.
The hypocentric depth was 5 km;
The epicenter of this earthquake was located in the coordinates: 42.84 N; 20.61 E;
10 km north-east of Istog;
18 km north-west of Skenderaj;
22 km west – southwest of Mitrovica; and
2 km north of the village of Uqë.